Eight Amazing Health Benefits of Premium Damodar Desi Cow Ghee

Our ancestors used to force their children to include ghee in their meals. After years of study, Scientists have proved that desi ghee is indeed a gold mine of tons of health benefits. Shri Amar Nath Milk Foods Pvt Ltd understands the value of the rich Indian culture associated with desi ghee. Damodar Cow ghee is a popular milk product of Shri Amarnath Milk foods and is packed with lots of health benefits. They produce desi ghee with the traditional valona process from fresh cow's milk. People can use Damodar ghee for cooking purposes. Benefits of Desi cow ghee result in boosting the health of people. Let's read in detail about the health benefits of Damodar Desi Ghee. ● Proves Good for the digestive system - Desi Ghee contains butyric acid, which improves the functioning of the digestive system. Intestinal bacteria use butyric acid to produce energy and supporting intestinal walls. People who face digestive issues don't have butyric ...